Zeal is my middle name. Motto comes from the following: “‘I must warn you,’ he replies, ‘that to a man filled with zeal nothing is proscribed. Zeal,’ he states proudly, ‘is my middle name.’” —Come back, Dr. Caligari by Donald Barthleme
Archives for December 2013
Dr. Martin Luther King: “I Have a Dream” speech. August 28, 1963
“If you’re going to San Francisco” song by Scott McKenzie
Chapter 4. Dr. Kumar’s thesis on virtual reality modeling
Chapter 4 FRAMEWORK FOR EXPERIENCE-BASED VIRTUAL PROTOTYPING This chapter discusses the approach to developing interactive virtual prototypes that enable experience-based design. First, there is a brief overview of how experience-based design can be combined with virtual prototypes by incorporating scenarios of tasks performed by end-users. The second part of the chapter proposes a procedure to […]
Joan Baez sings “We Shall Overcome” 1965
Excerpt: “Personally, I can’t see where the difficulty in choosing suitable presents lies. No boy who had brought himself up properly could fail to appreciate one of those decorative bottles of liqueurs that are so reverently staged in Morel’s window…. People may say what they like about the decay of Christianity; the religious system that produced […]
++++ Once in a movie house Bloomsbury recalled Tuesday Weld had suddenly turned on the screen, looked him full in the face, and said: You are a good man. You are good, good, good. He had immediately gotten up and walked out of the theater, gratification singing in his heart. –“For I’m the Boy Whose […]
“Ideally, the town and the University would like to replace this destructive drinking event with a festival….”
nterfraternity Council bans parties during State Patty’s Day 2014 weekend December 12, 2013 UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. – The Penn State Interfraternity Council vote Dec. 10 to ban social functions during the 2014 State Patty’s Day weekend slated for Saturday, March 1. State Patty’s Day is a student-organized drinking event that town and University officials have […]